We are keeping our FAQ section up to date and we hope you can find all the information you need. Click on the links below to find the answers to your questions.
Limited Company Name: River Island Clothing Co Limited
Address: Chelsea House, West Gate, London, W5 1DR
VAT Registration Number: 227179454
8am - 7pm Telephone opening hours
10am - 4pm Live Chat opening hours
If you need an instant answer to your question, the quickest way to contact us is by live chat. You can chat to one of our agents using the live chat icon to the bottom left of this page.
Live chat is subject to availability across peak periods, bank holidays and the availability of our Islanders.
Calls are in English and will be charged at your network provider's rates. Our numbers are:
UK Customers 0344 576 6444
International Customers +44 344 576 6444
If your query isn’t urgent or you need to contact us outside of the above hours, you can use our Contact Form. We'll need as much information as possible to help you, so please try to include everything we ask for. Please note it will take up to 48 hours to reply to any contact form enquiries